​​​Selected writing

Revolt Club, Long Island City

An Indictment to Remember 

In Amazon's Wake, Huge ​Sunnyside Yards Master Plan Takes Shape

To Build a Neighborhood in Queens

A Thousand Problems in Mount Vernon 

Bed bugs: the untold horror story

A souvenir shop opens in industrial Long Island City

*A local blog I created

Curbed NY 

Upper East Side NIMBYs Do Not Want An Apple Store

Bronx Residents Disrupt Tour of 'Proposed New Neighborhood'**

**Trended on the site's Most Read list and spread widely on social media

Why 57th Street Is The Super Tall Tower Mecca Of New York 
Hundreds Fret About Superscrapers' Shadows As Extell Rebuts ​

New York Daily News* 

Residents of Harding Park have cameras trained on illegal dumpers*

*Picked up byCBS News

Bronx groups urge Councilman Rivera to back legislation calling for an end to discriminatory profiling

Ballet star (Misty Copeland) talks success...

*I interned for the News in summer 2013

Sheepshead Bites/Bklynr

Pipeline  Company Issues Detailed Study Of Flooding Risk To Jamaica Bay Facility Amid Post-Sandy Concerns*

*A multimedia package

The City Atlas

Rockaway Surfers Launch Solar Renaissance 2.0
Koch's messengers may be today's food delivery cyclists 

The Westchester Guardian*
De-Criminalizing Parenting Behavior

*I wrote a string of pieces covering Mount Vernon, NY in 2012. This piece was my favorite

The ​Mott Haven Herald

Court Hears Case Against FreshDirect

The West Side Spirit

Local Architect Has 'Vine Line' Vision for West Side Highway​​*

*A multimedia package; print article appeared on front page


Twenty five years reclaiming NYC 

*I wrote about 75 articles (several, or many, included video) for this website, for which I covered New York environmental politics around 2011 and 2012. Some of my reporting involved coverage of the environmental activism of Occupy Wall Street. The website no longer exists. This one piece (part one of two) was preserved on Times Up!'s website

Miscellaneous Blogs*

Interviews with #Occupy Wall Street

*Around roughly 2009-2012 I had various blogs covering protest movements and the environment, mostly around NYC.